Automated Tools within Session Planner
The Session Planner tool on LUMA Workplace helps anyone design, prepare for and facilitate better human-centered design sessions. (If you’re new to Session Planner, read this article first.) Read on to learn more about four features within Session Planner to help you get the most out of this tool.
1. Session Suggestions
When planning a human-centered design work session, answering some basic questions can point you in the right direction for where to start.
Session Planner is here to help through session suggestions.
Each time you create a new agenda in Session Planner, you'll see three methods that can serve as useful starting points for any challenge, depending on your circumstances.
- Abstraction Laddering will help you ensure that you're focused on the right problem.
- Stakeholder Mapping will help you understand who has a stake in your problem landscape.
- Cover Story Mock-up will help you envision what success might look like.
First, read a short description about each method suggestion. Then, click the Add button to add a suggested method to your session agenda.
Each time you add a method to your agenda, Session Planner will display three additional methods to consider using next. The methods that are suggested are based on the final method in the agenda. The logic behind which methods are displayed is based on best practices from folks who use LUMA methods every day: our instructors and coaches.
- First, read a short description about why each suggested method works well as a follow-on method.
- Click the Add button to add a suggested method to your session agenda. (The Add buttons are color-coded by the key design skill of the method - Looking, Understanding or Making.)
Over time Session Suggestions will help you learn about useful method combinations in a way that is directly relevant to your work.
As you build your agenda, use our other automated tools to feel confident and prepared before facilitating the session. Read on to learn more.
2. Agenda Advice
Click the Check my agenda button at the top of a session agenda to read advice from our instructors and coaches, in the form of roses, thorns and buds, about the structure of your agenda.
We'll point out aspects of your agenda that are positive, negative or worth improving. For example, if there is too much time or not enough time planned for any given method we’ll let you know.
- To take action based on this feedback, click the X at the top right-hand corner to close the pop-up window.
- Then, adjust the length of time found at the left of each method. To learn how to adjust the time for a method, read this article.
3. Materials List
In advance of your session, click Materials List on the top navigation bar of your session agenda. On this tab you’ll find a list of materials needed for the session.
- The Materials list can be grouped by either Category or Agenda step.
- To print the list of materials, click Print materials at the top right-hand corner.
- To download any template or reference guide, click on its name within the Materials list or click Download all templates.
4. Facilitation Guide
Click Facilitation Guide on the top navigation bar of your session agenda to view tips from our instructors and coaches to help you successfully facilitate each method.
Advice for the first method in your agenda will be displayed first. To see advice for the other methods in your agenda, click any method in the left sidebar.